Our Governance Protocol

Organizations struggle with some common issues - agent problems in recruitment, low participation in governance, and small network effects due to lack of internal trade. Our novel governance protocol is a proposed solution to these problems.

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Skin-in-the-game recruitment

By being owners, existing collaborators are exposed proportionally to the economic downside of recruitment - accepting a new collaborator effectively means that existing ones make a bet that this person contributes with positive network effects.

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Transparent ownership and incentives

Any member can always know and propose changes to the governance protocol - as well as proposing and participating in any other governance related matter. During interaction, there is only one incentive model - and there is full transparency in each person’s ownership and contribution to the organization.

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Free internal market

Network effects are what creates value in an organization - and the purpose of governance in the first place. A protocol for governing an organization should thus facilitate the generation of such effects by allowing any type of peer-to-peer trade in the organization.



Effectivizing financing flow in the the private real estate market


Smooth real estate auctions


Live data closer to the people

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